Is Your Industry Also Facing Rising Fuel Price

If Yes, Then,
DSH Gasifiers & Burners
Biomass to Energy Solutions
Is the Answer.
How So?

Let’s Address Your Problem

Fossil Fuel Prices

Rising fuel prices is the primary concern of industrialists who are solely dependent on fossil fuels for their energy requirements.

Lack of Fuel Options

Due to lack of knowledge and innovation industrialists are unaware of the various fuel options available at their disposal.

Environmental Pollution

Another problem associated with manufacturing units is their inability to contain pollution & minimise solid waste generation.

Are you also facing such issues?
Our DSH Gasifiers & Burners can help you with these problems!

Are You Looking For Biomass Gasifiers?

DSH Energy Solutions Are For You!

Our Products

Waste Gasifier

Waste Gasifier: single furnace treatment capacity up to...

Wood Dust Burner

Wood dust burner: Heat efficiency:95%-98%, Fuel type: wood...

Wood Chip Burner

Wood chip burner: Heat efficiency:≥85%, Fuel type:wood chips、waste...

Are You Also Struggling With Solid Waste Management?

Our DSH Gasifiers can also help with efficient management of solid waste by generating fuel gas from a wide range of organic waste. Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could convert solid waste into useful energy?

Organic Waste Management

By converting biomass (in the form of woodchips, briquettes, pallets, rice husk, mustard husk, groundnut and coconut shells) into fuel gas.

Fully Automatic System

The gasification system is fully automatic to reduce the dependency on manpower.


With Electrostatic Precipitation the producer gas thus obtained will be ultra clean and directly fed to any industry equipment possible.

Impressed with the multiple benefits of installing biomass gasification systems in your industry?

Want Us To Reduce Your Fuel Cost?

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